
was donated
RE : Private Beta - New website by Celicia 19 days ago

@Nicolas. Hi!

Is there any way to solve the issue of users who want to unsubscribe from the site? At least if the accounts cannot be deleted, we can mark them as deleted and from that, that email or username will not appear in searches? I have had a complaint again about the privacy issue because they cannot delete the account.

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 16 days ago

Hi Celicia, I'm on a big system migration this weekend at work so it will take some time before I can address the issue, but I can look into it. Did the users have any specific expectations regarding account deletion or they mentionned simply being deleted from the search would suffice?

RE : Private Beta - New website by Celicia 16 days ago

Hi Nicolas!
They suggest deleting the account permanently for privacy reasons. I thought about removing them from the search as an alternative, although for programming reasons I don't know which is the easiest option.
What they intend is to delete the account permanently and leave as little trace as possible for privacy reasons.

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 12 days ago

We discussed this issue years ago, maybe it was still with Stefan? He said it was impossible to delete accounts because all of the attached information, like comments, edits of tutorials, etc., would also be deleted if an account is deleted. For normal users that’s already not always a good idea, let alone for accounts that have been moderator-accounts at some point. It would mean that part of the forum, and in case of (former) moderators part of the moderator forum, would disappear.
So all I know is that it’s impossible to really delete accounts….

RE : Private Beta - New website by Celicia 12 days ago

I understand. So at least they should not appear in searches as a way of giving some privacy to those who no longer want to participate.

RE : Private Beta - New website by Celicia 12 days ago

I want to ask you something: can a common user access the list of all pending patterns? If so, where does he do it from?
I suppose he can't see our comments, right? I ask this because it's not the first time that halokiwi's comments have caught my attention, like the last one in this forum:

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 10 days ago

We used to have a link for normal users to the pending patterns. Only the normal patterns and not the comments. We don’t have that anymore, since the moving to the other server.
I don’t think halokiwi can see the pending patterns, they just know how they look in the pending section on their own profile page. I think that’s what they are referring to.


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