
was donated
RE: Private Beta - New website by Celicia 4 years ago

Sorry @Nicolas but I have questions about the procedure.

Currently when we are checking a pending pattern, we add similar, the link to the FAQ, etc. in the description box and then save so that the other moderators can see it and then vote on the moderator's comments and finish the process by accepting or rejecting the pattern . If we do not save the comments, they are lost when you leave the page.

It is not clear to me how it works in the new version. How do I save comments without accepting the pattern?

Nor is it clear to me what the "checked" and the "send" correspond to. Which of them corresponds to the current 'accept'?
I couldn't try either one because doing so shows the pop up that says "Something went wrong ...".
I could make a pattern, see it and edit it, but not the other.

RE: Private Beta - New website by Stefanie7 4 years ago

Hello Nicolas,
I also tested the download time. It took 1 minute and 12 seconds. I think this is too slow. The speedtest says I have 13 Mbps for download. I used firefox on a laptop with wifi and I'm in Germany.
Then I tested it on my cell phone in the same wifi and it took 1 minute and 7 seconds. The speedtest was equal here.
Do you need any more informations?

RE: Private Beta - New website by Stefanie7 4 years ago

To answer this question: I'm "sort of" close to the server so I'm curious to know how it performs on your side (relatively to the official website - is it comparable? faster? slower?)

For me the private beta is faster than the official website.

RE: Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

On the privatebeta:
When I try to change the ?checked? of a picture from yes to no I get a big red block that says:
'User Id' must not be empty.
User does not exist.
'Target Id' must not be empty.
The specified condition was not met for 'Target Id'.

I only changed the yes to no and pushed the send-button. Id etc. were not empty.

I made a pattern by using the edit-mode of an existing pattern and saved it as a new pattern. It said that it was made 21 hours ago, instead of 0 seconds.

When adding a keyword to a not-checked new pattern I got a fail-notice the first try. Second try was no problem though.

RE: Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

I think it works like this:
Checked- Yes : pattern is not in pending. No : pattern is in pending
Rejected- Yes: pattern is rejected No: pattern is accepted or in pending

Send is to confirm everything that is mentioned above the send-button.

So if we check patterns we can add information to the descriptionbox and hit save without changing the Checked- and the Rejected- status. (Keep both at No).

RE: Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

Hit send, I meant ...

RE: Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

Regarding my previous comment, number 3: It seems like you can not save when a field is left empty. Adding only keywords or only a description will give a message that something went wrong. We do not always add descriptions, and when we check or when we reject we do not add keywords (yet).
So can this be changed?

RE: Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

Hi everyone!

For the keyword search I think I know what's the problem. I'm pretty sure it's a bug in the code. I'll let you know.

Regarding the "procedure", the explanation kleinevos gave a few posts before this answer is right. You can save anytime, if you don't change the checked/rejected fields the pattern will stay in the same "state".

I'll try to reproduce the problem you mentioned (the part where you had an error message saying "something went wrong") but it didn't happen to me during development (during the tests I made on my development environment). Could you identity the exact steps (example : "open pattern #[some specific pattern number], do X, then hit save, message shown is 'the error message'"). Even better, if you have a similar example (same pattern type, different number, etc.) where the problem doesn't happen, that would help me identify the source really fast.

The big red block on "picture edit" really sounds like a bug. I'll get back to you.

The date bug for new patterns is added to my list.

Regarding comment number 3... In fact I added this validation as I thought it would be better but I understand that it's an obstacle more than a helper so I'll remove those...

In fact, more than 1 minute is abnormally long... With a 13 mbps connection it should be taking about 10 seconds (maybe a little more since you're in europe & server is in US)... Were you sure there wasn't anyone else using the connection at the same time and/or was your speed test stable or spiky when you made it? Do you have a computer physically connected to test (not over wifi)? Also, I'd be curious to know how "stable" the problem is from day to day... Could you make a few other tests in the next days and let me know if the time required the picture is "constant"?

I'm especially surprised by the fact that you tell the new website feels faster (despite the long download time for the big image)... Is it a typo? If the private beta really feels faster, that would mean it has a shorter load time (overall) despite the apparently slow transfer rate? It's possible (the optimization I made can really make a slow website look fast - but to the point of making it feel faster than the official website is hard to believe)... I would be really surprised there's not an external factor that could explain the overall contradiction.

RE: Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

No more need to provide details... I found the problem with the save pattern.

All bugs are now fixed. However I don't plan to deploy it tonight since I need to run a script on the database at the same time to fix the search problem. I'll probably do tomorrow.

Thanks again for all your inputs!

RE: Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

Question regarding notifications...

All seem pretty clear to me, but I'm wondering about what's the best way to generate notifications when "someone also commented on something"... Suppose there's already 20 different persons that commented on a pattern. Should all the people that commented on this element (in the history of time) be informed if I post a comment new comment (example 1 year later)? It seems pretty heavy/spammy to me... Should it just be the last commenter who should have the notification?

I could dig into the "current" code, but I thought asking could save me some time and also maybe open the door to change the way it's done right now (if need be).

Let me know!


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