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RE: Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

1) I added the color BBCode to the list.
2) I have the same problem on my side when I try to save the tutorial. It worked before... Maybe I broke something when I changed some code.

1) In fact I forget to "set" the links to last post when we look in a category (it should works in the forum "home page" (the page you arrive to when you click on the forum link at the top).

RE: Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

New version deployed. It's mostly bug fixes (you won't see new things). All what's been discussed should now be working fine. For "go to last post" at the moment it just goes to the thread. I'll redirect to last post in another fix (I want to prioritize notifications and "mods tasks")...

RE: Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

FYI - I noticed a small bug... When you change a pattern it looks again like the pattern image wasn't generated. It was, but you don't see it because your browser puts it in cache. I'll need to fix that, but for now just considered the pattern was regenerated. The same goes for images thumbs, etc...

RE: Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

1)If I post an answer in the forum, instead of the most recent answer the first answer on the post is shown in the forum-newsfeed.

2) The newsfeed on the homepage only shows posts under pictures. When clicking ?More newsfeed entries? you can see posts from the forum, but they do not appear in the feed on the homepage.

3) The answer-button in the guestbook is not functional. I cannot post anything via that button.

RE: Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

4) I made a pattern (via an existing pattern- edit-save as new pattern) and saved it. Then I added keywords etc. All fine. Then I changed the status to checked and not rejected. The pattern appears in both newsfeed and pattern-list, but I cannot put a comment under the pattern.
It was also, again, not made 12 hours ago.

RE: Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

Hi kleinevos,

1) You're right. I'll fix that.
2) At the moment I see some forum posts in the homepage. (Second news is Celicia replied to a forum thread...). Could you provide additional information? Note though : the "show more news" will bring you to the newsfeed page which shows regular news and moderator news mixed together... Does it explains the confusion?
3) There seems to be something wrong with the comments (they don't load). I'll take a look. Actually I'm pretty sure it's related to a bug I introduced with the notifications I'm working on... Something that's a work in progress in the notification causes the comments to not load...
4) Same as #3 for the "cannot comment". I'm surprised with the problem that still there for "time ago". I was pretty sure I caught all the remaining cases with the last fix. Could you tell me where the incorrect date is shown (in the news, in the pattern?).

RE: Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

Forget the "time ago" part of #4. I fixed it. The comments too, it was a fact caused by what I was working on in the notifications.

It's fixed in my development environment, but it's not deployed yet (I'll probably do today).

RE: Private Beta - New website by Celicia 4 years ago


I was looking what Kleinevos said about the comments on forum. (2-The second new wasn't what I wrote) . It shows the first comment on the forum and not the last one. See the last two comments I did.

RE: Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

The wrong ?time ago? was shown at the pattern page, the page of the pattern I made.

RE: Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

About the newsfeed: Yes, that could be it. The most recent posts were probably only mod-forumposts. I tested and I can see other posts on the homepage now. I didn?t notice before that mod-posts are in the actual newsfeed now. It might cause some confusion at first but it means we can see more new mod-posts than only the 5 that are shown on our homepage. So that is good.
It would be even better though if we could have a button for ?more news? separately for the mod-newsfeed. And not have it in the regular newsfeed. Or maybe show it in the regular newsfeed, but in a different color. So we can easily see if it is public or not.


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