
was donated
RE: Private Beta - New website by Celicia 4 years ago

I took pattern # 98879, wanted to change the color by editing it in the generator. I saved it as the same pattern but it didn't change the colour.

I wrote a description, pressed 'send' and saved it. Ok

I deleted the description and pressed 'send' and it showed the pop up 'something wrong ...'
Can't we eliminate a description?

Then I edited again in the generator and the pattern was shown with the new color on it.
I tempted to save as new pattern and a pop up was shown : 'Error: a similar pattern already exist...' (that's ok for normal users)

Then I changed four knots and I tryed to save it as the same pattern and the 'Error: a similar pattern already exist...' was shown.
Can't we fix mistakes?

I'm doing all of this as a moderator, I didn't test all of it as a common user.

RE: Private Beta - New website by Celicia 4 years ago

Personally I would inform the last one or the last two who commented (if it is not very complicated) and the user who created the post or uploaded the photo. I don't know if it's hard to do.

RE: Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

The way the notifications are set up now is that everyone who ever commented gets a notification. Also on tutorials everyone who ever edited the tutorial gets a notification.
That is indeed very spammy!
If would be nice to change it to what Celicia said or to set a timespan of a few days max. for example.

RE: Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

Is tagging a username also a possibility?

RE: Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago


1) The pattern seems to be correctly saved, however it's images doesn't seem to be re-generated after the edits. I'll look into it.

2) The problem where "deleted description causes bug" is fixed in my test environment, but it's not deployed on private beta yet. As soon as I'll redeploy it should be fixed (you'll be able to delete descriptions).

3) At the moment here's how the existing pattern validation works : every time someone (mod or not) saves a pattern, the system checks if a similar pattern exists in the database. The algorithm is a little complex, but it "abstracts away" the colors before checking. I could say it considers the knots but not the colors... I'd like to know, what would need to be changed for it to fit the actual behavior (if this one causes problem)? Should "duplicate pattern check" be ignored when a mod saves a new pattern?

4) I would think it is the same as above. I suspect the knots you changed "matched" another pattern. If you could give me additional details about "when this validation should be ignored" I'll change it.

1) Perfect I'll look for something like Celicia and you suggested. It's not much more complicated to do and I like the idea of not being "spammy".

2) Tagging a user is not easy (actually it's not that hard, but it's a little complicated). Users can change their alias (or at least, mods can do it for them). Which is a problem as I would need to make a correlation between displayed usernames and their unique identifier when someone's tagged. It also involves creating a custom "input" control in the web page and modifying the database to support this new piece of information. I'll keep it on the wish list.

RE: Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

About 3) Yes, duplicate pattern check should be ignored for moderators, because sometimes we only need to fix shades of a color, so we do not change knots before saving the edited pattern.

RE: Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

Perfect, considered it done (but again... not deployed). I decided to wait tomorrow and prioritize notifications tonight.

RE: Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

I tried creating a tutorial:
1) The BBCode for color did not work.
2) When I tried to save the tutorial it failed and I got this message:


An error occurred while processing your request.
Request ID: 0HLTK1ROOLMSF:00000001

Development Mode
Swapping to Development environment will display more detailed information about the error that occurred.

Development environment should not be enabled in deployed applications, as it can result in sensitive information from exceptions being displayed to end users. For local debugging, development environment can be enabled by setting the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT environment variable to Development, and restarting the application.

3)Preview was fine. Only thing: The message that says not to create a tutorial for something that already has a tutorial is not shown before you start creating. It is shown in the preview, but if you do not view the preview you will not see the message.

RE: Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

Skip 3) ... The message is shown, I just did not notice it .....

RE: Private Beta - New website by Celicia 4 years ago

The links on 'last post' from all the forum don't work.


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