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RE: Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

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It could well be the ads. I did not get the pop-up on the privatebeta so far, and I also did not get any today on the normal site or anywhere else.
Let?s hope that means it is solved now! I installed an IPadOS update a few days ago and that did not effect the pop-ups. So it doesn?t seem to be a problem only Apple can fix.

RE: Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

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I checked some words with apostrophes and they all seem to be okay on the privatebeta site!

RE: Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

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I uploaded a picture to a tutorial.
It worked ( but obviously I don?t see it).
Only thing: The text that says it is uploaded and needs to approved is shown twice.

RE: Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

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1) Perfect it's noted for the "total number of items returned by the search" I'll take a look to add that before or after paging.

2) Regarding the moderators comments, I have slightly changed the "behavior" of the website. Have you tried clicking on the "moderator comments" link close to the comments' section title? It's not the most obvious design element, but basically it allows you to switch between "public" and "moderators" comments. If even then you still think there's a problem, could you please point me to a specific pattern that's problematic?

3) Regarding the "likes" - Could it be the same as above? Here again, if you could give me a specific pattern number & what you'd expect that would help me tremendously.

4) Same question for the "votes". Actually I decided to hide the votes for now. I'll show it again when I'm done with more important functionalities...

1) Nice to hear that the index.html download seems to have resolved by itself.

2) Nice for the apostrophes too. As I mentionned, I'll try to fix the "past entries" when I migrate the database (before official deployment of the new websitE) so comments and posts that have the weird characters are displayed normally.

3) Regarding the pictures, I'll try something tonight so you'll be able to test normally and see your pictures on privatebeta.

RE: Private Beta - New website by Celicia 4 years ago

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I noticed the new format of the comments. And when alternating between one and the other, I realized that in many normal patterns the comments that the moderators made about it were not visible. I remember that in the pattern # 98943 we made several comments because it was very similar to another but when trying to see the comments of the moderators and their likes they are not shown.

To accept a pattern we always vote in the comments, even if it is only a "No", so in most cases there should be comments and they cannot be seen.

If you look for the comments of each of the patterns similar to # 98943 you will see that the common comments are seen but not those of the moderators. (I took random patterns and the same thing happens).

The same goes for likes.

In the alpha and the kumihimo you can see the comments of the moderators and the likes.

RE: Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

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@Celicia - Thanks for the precisions. It took me a while to understand what was happening... In the current website (the official) some values are inverted in the database... Would have been really hard to find the root of the problem without you additional explanations. Thanks a lot!

I ran the script on privatebeta. Moderator comments should be ok now!

RE: Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

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I just realized I didn't remove all the "alert messages" after some actions. That'll be fixed after next deployment (most likely not tonight)...

RE: Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

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I really like how we can switch between public and moderator comments! On the current website , when users had questions about the checking of a pattern, we sometimes had to uncheck patterns to see the moderator comments.
That brings me to something else:
We now have to accept rejected patterns before we can uncheck them to put them up for revoting. Is it possible to change that? So we can simply uncheck rejected patterns?

And Celicia stumbled upon a weird situation:
User Rocio123 has rejected patterns in the favorites. Now the weird part: These patterns have been rejected years ago, while this user made the account last year ...... How is that possible? Rejected patterns should be invisible for normal users.

RE: Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

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When you say "we now have to accept rejected patterns before we can uncheck them to put them up for revoting" you mean with the current website? I had a long day so I'm sorry if I got everything wrong, but I think the way I setup the new website it would be possible. Moderators have the "edit box" (it's not clearly identified ATM - but if you're logged in and you go view a pattern it will show a few fields and an edit form just below the title). You could just change "checked" to false then save to make it an unchecked pattern again... The "approval" is the same thing (one of the mods just have to change checked to true).

For Rocio123's case I think it's explained by the fact (I'm 99% sure) there's no validation in the current website for favorites (and I don't plan to make it in V1 - not that it's extremely complex but it takes some time to implement and I do my very best to have essential functionalities working asap). Here's something I suspect could have happened : user ABC created a pattern and liked it. It got rejected but mods but this rejection didn't remove the favorite from user ABC. Rocio123 went to see ABC's favorites and liked the pattern too. This might be something else but ATM that's the only "process" I can think of.

Those cases could be caught later on if we need/want to (I can run a script on the database to catch that kind of things).

RE: Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

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By the way I plan on adding a "show/hide" button for the edit box so it's not always visible for mods. I find it kind of annoying for "normal navigation".


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