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RE: Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

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@Celicia & @kleinevos
I just deployed. It should have fixed the latest problems you mentioned.

Notifications are still a work in progress (you'll always see 2 notifications at the top).

@kleinevos : Added your last request to the wish list.

RE: Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

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I redeployed with notifications now.

Here are a few things I should mention :
1) It's barely tested, but the few tests I made showed that notifications were generated without problems (I just didn't cover all cases). I prefer to rush on missing functionalities and "catch up" on bugs later. Let me know if you see something abnormal, I'll add it to the list of things I'll fix.
2) Only consider new notifications. The old ones will need to be fixed with a script (something I haven't had time to do). Which explains why they'll probably show a partial message and/or not be navigable (no links, erroneous text, etc.).
3) If you have some time to test it, try to trigger as many different kind of notifications as possible (comments, rejected patterns, etc.)... Notifications are a little difficult to test with 1 user, so your contribution will help tremendously.

Next thing on my list is the moderators' task list.

RE: Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

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Also, a question I wanted to ask you... Stefanie7 said earlier that the new website felt faster than the current one. Do you have the same impression?

RE: Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

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Yes, overall the new website seems a little faster for me.

RE: Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

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1) Notifications are mostly Not Defined. So it says that it was for a pattern or for a forumthread, but not what pattern or what thread.
It also does not say rejected or accepted for the pattern you rejected/accepted.

2) No notifications received for rejected patterns. That is not too bad, but for mod-comments it is still good to have notifications enabled for rejected patterns.

3) Something that I feel is annoying is when we reject a pattern and the user that made the pattern comments under it and the comment is visible for everyone in our public newsfeed. That sometimes happens on our current site. We have a rule that we do not discuss rejected patterns in public, so I would be happy if public comments under rejected patterns could be disabled in the new site.

RE: Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

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2) I should say: No notifications for comments I made under the rejected pattern.

RE: Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

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#1 & #2 - I'll look into it.
#3 - Comments "news" for rejected patterns should not be visible. I thought it was setup this way, but when I think about it here's why maybe I didn't made it : if by mistake we reject the pattern and then "unreject" it. We would lose all the news related to the pattern since rejecting it would clear its news.

RE: Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

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@kleinevos - I checked most of the comments you left after the notification update I made. The "not defined" should only happen for "old notifications" (generated before my last deployment). From the messages you left in the privatebeta I understand that the pattern rejected/approuved was having a problem. I'll look into it. However I was a little confused about some of the comments you left (if the behavior was the one you'd expect or not for notifications).

Here's what I had when I logged in (only showing the new notifications) :
kleinevos also commented on pattern #98835 3 hours ago New!
kleinevos also commented on pattern #98835 3 hours ago New!
kleinevos also commented on pattern #98835 3 hours ago New!
kleinevos also commented on pattern #98976 4 hours ago New!
kleinevos also commented on pattern #98835 4 hours ago New!
kleinevos also commented on pattern #98835 4 hours ago New!
kleinevos also commented on pattern #98835 4 hours ago New!
kleinevos replied to the forum thread RE : Hello 4 hours ago New!

It seems OK from my understanding. You said in one of the comments "we don't know which pattern is the comment made on". You should be able to know in the new notifications, not on the old (I need to create & run the script for it to work correctly). You should not receive notification for your own comments.

Let me know if I missing something. In the mean time I'll look for the "approved/rejected" notification and try to take a look at the "news generated" vs "pattern approval"... This last part is a real nightmare, but I'll try to make something that makes sense.

RE: Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

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I've a question regarding Tutorials checking.

Suppose we have a tutorial with good history (like an established tutorial) and someone updates it with something we shouldn't accept. What's the procedure here? From what I know you only have the option to accept the change or create a new version to "undo" the changes that were made in the latest version...

Is my understanding correct?

What I was going to suggest for tutorial approval is a button (for mods only) that would be visible at the top when you consult a tutorial to mark it as "Checked". Is this OK?

RE: Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

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The procedure for tutorials is now as follows (and that works fine):
-We go to the current version of the tutorial
-We open a new window for the same tutorial. Then click edit, then click previous versions, then click on the last version that was checked and approved. (Sometimes a user edits several times in a short amount of time, so it is not always the version right before the last version.)
-We compare them (latest version and latest approved version).
-If we agree we mark the tutorial as checked. If we do not agree with the edit we save the latest approved version. That will overrule the version we do not want to keep.

So it is important that we can see previous edits!


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