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RE: Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

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While it is not a priority, can you still keep the favoriting of rejected patterns high on your todo-list? Celicia found some more rejected patterns on the fav-list of the Rocio123 account......
This time the (alpha-)patterns are very recent and have only been in pending before we rejected them. They have never been accepted. They are also submitted by different users. What is wrong here?

RE: Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

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I think it works like this:
She sees a pattern, in someones fav-list or in the newsfeed. She takes the pattern number from there and puts it in the url for favoriting patterns ( )
Then it is in her fav-list. But she still cannot see the actual pattern page, because the pattern is rejected.
Is that about right? In that case the patterns are still protected, although an alpha-pattern is only a pixelated image. But in that case it is less bad than I thought :-)

RE: Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

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@kleinevos : It'll be much more difficult to like patterns like you explained in the new website. It's added to the todo list. In the meantime I'll check to build a script to "clean invalid likes".

RE: Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

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Hi again!

I worked on the notifications. I am not done since I realized there are some network performance problems with the new server and this is very important for me to address that before going live... I started checking this out and I'm already thinking that it might be necessary to move to a new server... I'm still trying to find what could cause that performance problem (ATM it points to the new "hosting provider" but I'm not 100% sure why because depending from where the page request is coming it's fast - I tested with other people and it *seems* that the new server's performance is unstable for some of them too).

I don't know if it'll help me, but if you could just try to open this link (it's a big image file) and reply below to tell how much time it took, your internet connection speed & from which country you are that's some additional information that maybe could help me... If you have a 25mb/s connection (download) it should take about 4 seconds to download. If you're far from US it could be slower but "not that much" (someone from Australia downloaded the file in 5 seconds). On my PC it takes about 2 minutes (instead of the 3 seconds it should take)... All that to say, if you have a connection equal or greater than 25 mb/s it should take something around 5 seconds. If you have the problem it'll clearly be visible (like 30+ seconds).

Here is the link (be careful, it'll only work once because after you laoded the image, your browser will put the image in cache so it should load instantly the next times) :

Also, I restored my development database backup so you won't see the comments/actions you made with the new website up to now. Test account should be back to it's original password.

Last thing, I loaded all the images from the official website so I'll be able to fix the "images incoherence with the new patterns" soon but because of the problem I realized today I haven't had time to fix this either...

RE: Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

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Well... I had to write here to find a "solution"...

I rebooted the server and now everything seems fine...

I had an idea for the test though. First, if you are using Google Chrome, I think I have found an easy way to do the test repeatedly without having to clean your cache. You can open an incognito tab to load the image. Then close it and load the image again. Now, instead of trying to "time" the loading time, just check if it's consistent from time to time... We'll keep an eye on it for the next few weeks to make sure the server is stable.

Ideal conditions for testing : you're the only one using the internet connection at home (don't do it on mobile data - 10 MB adds fast depending your data limit!!). If it can be done from a "wired" computer it's even better, but in most cases using it over wifi should not cause problem...

Thanks again!

RE: Private Beta - New website by Celicia 4 years ago

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I'm using wifi in my cell phone y the mobile data are disabled. The download speed rounds 38 Mbps and the upload 23 Mbps.(I used Speedtest app for know it) Download the image took me into 5 and 6 second. I'm in Uruguay. (Is it useful to do it this way? When I can connect to the PC I will try it too.)

RE: Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

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It loaded in less than 6 seconds on my Ipad with wifi. I?m in the Netherlands and speedtest says 75 mb/s download.

RE: Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

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Thank you both. It helps me a lot!

Those numbers are good. It's not using the maximum bandwidth of your connection but you're far away from the server so I guess it's normal (distance does impact a bit - many other factors too). for the kind of content we have on the website, the download speed you're reach is pretty good.

I'll continue to keep an eye on it for the next weeks. If you can do it too and witness some variation, please let me know.

Today I'll try to deploy a new version of the new website that uses "local" images (images you see on privatebeta will served by the new server instead of loading images from the official website. It'll help me see other performance aspects and stability as I test (if there's any)...

I'll keep you updated!

RE: Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

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Good news this time =)!!

I deployed a new version on privatebeta. All "newsfeed" should be good now.

I had the time to setup images so they are served by the new server so now you *should* be able to test the things like uploading a new profile picture, saving a new pattern and seeing the correct result, etc. There *might* still be some confusion on some patterns though. Here's the explanation : I copied the images from the official server yesterday. The database copy dates from 2018. So if the pattern has changed in between (colors, pattern or anything) you'll see the "old information" but you'll see the recent image. Other than that, it should work fine.

I made some performance tests with the new server now that it serves the whole page content (images, scripts, etc.). I'll spare you the technicalities, but it's an optimization I made for faster "image loading" and to reduce overall page load time. I'm quite satisfied of the results from the tests I made!!! I'm "sort of" close to the server so I'm curious to know how it performs on your side (relatively to the official website - is it comparable? faster? slower?)... @kleinevos : it's possible it's slightly slower for you because you are much closer to the official server than the new one, but because of the optimization I made on the new server it's possible it's faster despite the longer distance...

I also had time to fix most of the problems that have been mentioned in this thread. I think the only things missing are : save as new pattern missing that kleinevos mentioned & prevent "liking" a pattern that's not approved. You can find the "completed items" below.

I'll keep you updated of next milestones (I'm probably work on notifications next - It'll also open the door to a lot of things that are difficult to test without notifications - PM, etc.).

# Fixed bugs / completed requests
Add number of found patterns in the search (normal patterns, alpha, kumi)
Add paging at the bottom of lists (patterns, kumi & alpha)
Link to view images from kumi
Change password of to "test" again
Pattern list should allow opening the pattern by clicking on image
Time ago not right when forum/guestbook is posted - let me know if you find more cases like that
Changing password from "manage user" changes the current user password but it should change "managed user's" password
Add validation to prevent crash when someone adds letters to the "similar pattern" field

RE: Private Beta - New website by Celicia 4 years ago

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I don't know what the problem will be, if it has to do with how the image data base is copied, but when doing the alpha keyword search it doesn't bring me the correct patterns. Example: "cat" even shows letter patterns, flags with keywords that do not have the "cat" string anywhere and there are also many patterns that do not have a keyword.
The same happens with the Kumihimo. For example "flower" keyword shows patterns with that keyword and many others that don't have it.
I do the same search on the official site and the results are correct.


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